Raza: Pitbull terrier americano
Sexo: Macho
Edad: 5 years 8 months
Peso: 69.4 lbs
Pelaje: Corto, Liso
Color: Sin especificar, Blanco
Patrón: Barcino
Color de los ojos: Café
Tipo de oreja: En rosa
Tipo de cola: Completa
Ubicacione: Refugio de Troutdale
Costos estimados
Costo de adopción: $160.00
Tarifas por licencias: $27.00 (Multnomah County residents only)
Sobre mí
Sausa here! I'm a fun and energetic boy with a handsome face to boot! I'm friendly with everyone I meet and LOVE to play. I'm ready to entertain you for years to come with my silly antics. You can use my favorite foods to teach me tricks--I already know a few! I'm smart and eager to learn, but I can get a little over-excited, so my new family should be ready and willing to positively reinforce me for polite behaviors. I promise I catch on fast! 🌟
I'm also recovering from a sore leg and am still resting for a couple of weeks, but don't let that slow me down for long! Think we could be a fit? 💖Como adoptar