Photo for 117710 [Charlie]


Animal ID: 307249


Raza: Cavalier King Charles spaniel
Sexo: Macho
Edad: 8 months
Peso: 11.3 lbs
Pelaje: Corto, Liso
Color: Blanco
Color de los ojos: Café
Tipo de oreja: Dobladas
Tipo de cola: Completa
Ubicacione: Refugio de Troutdale

Costos estimados

Costo de adopción: $160.00
Tarifas por licencias: $27.00 (Multnomah County residents only)

Sobre mí

"Charlie" (mcas #307249) is white with brown spots. When he arrived at our home he was very timid, but after a couple of days of being loved on he turns out to be the more "bold" of him and his littermate. He is quick to go outside to see what is going on, explores every nook and cranny, and follows our "big dogs" around. Potty training was interrupted by the ice (because who wants to go out in negative 12 weather!) but he's coming along nicely.
Como adoptar