Photo for 110714 [Silvi]


Animal ID: 314715


Raza: Lop
Sexo: Hembra
Edad: 3 months
Peso: 2.6 lbs
Pelaje: Corto, Liso
Color: Gris
Tipo de oreja: Erguidas
Tipo de cola: Completa
Ubicacione: En cuidado temporal

Costos estimados

Costo de adopción: $30.00

Sobre mí

Silvi is still learning that people are not scary - be consistently gentle with her and your patience will be rewarded! Like most rabbits, Silvi is cautious around new people and situations. Silvi has probably not been handled much in the past and is still learning that good things can happen when people pick them up - like many animals, she is happiest with all four feet firmly on the ground! The more you practice picking her up gently, the easier it will be for both of you 🥕🐰
Como adoptar