Photo for 105130 [fr105130]

Found Report fr105130

Información de ubicación

Fecha en la que fue encontrada: Jueves, Enero 18, 2024
Área donde fue encontrada: Handy Park , 120 1st St, Fairview


Especie: Perro
Raza: Border collie
Sexo: Macho
Tamaño: Mediano
Color: Negro, Blanco
Pelaje: Mediano, Liso
Color de los ojos: Negro
Tipo de oreja: Dobladas
Tipo de cola: Completa
Modificado: No estoy seguro
Información adicional

Initially found on 1/18 (Thursday) by someone else, Kimberly K., but she was going into the hospital later that evening to be induced. She posted on Nextdoor, but couldn't locate the owner. She needed someone else to hold the dog and attempt to locate the owner, so I met with her and took the dog. It was too late to take it to the Vet, so I took the dog to the Vet on Friday and discovered he has a microchip registered to Mult. Co. The Vet says this means the dog was adopted from the shelter, but the owners never re-registered to their name. He has several hotspots we are treating now, but other than that he is in good health. He is well mannered and does fine around our cats. Hoping to find the owner and re-unite the two. The owner may obtain the microchip number from Mult Co. with their adoption papers and prove ownership.


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