Photo for 106521 [fr106521]

Found Report fr106521

Información de ubicación

Fecha en la que fue encontrada: Domingo, Febrero 11, 2024
Área donde fue encontrada: NE 86th Ave & NE Sacramento St , Portland, OR 97220


Especie: Perro
Raza: Pitbull terrier americano
Sexo: Macho
Tamaño: Mediano
Color: Tostado, Blanco
Pelaje: Corto, Liso
Modificado: No estoy seguro
Información adicional

Dog approached my dog and seemed very friendly but my dog was not interested and he did not get the hint. I yelled for him to go home and yelled for a owner. He had no collar and I’ve never seen him before. He didn’t run off he kept circling and trying to sniff my dog who was getting aggressive. He followed us. I went back out after bringing my dog home with food and water. He at first ran up on me but kept a distance. Didn’t seem interested in the food or water. Followed me but stayed 4-5 feet away. Would run up then back off. He followed me to ne russell and 86 th ave then not sure where he went. I thought he got out of someone’s yard but so far not sure who


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