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Found Report fr110558

Información de ubicación

Fecha en la que fue encontrada: Sábado, Abril 20, 2024
Área donde fue encontrada: 4556 NE 40th Ave , Portland, OR 97211


Especie: Gato
Raza: Otros
Sexo: Desconocido
Tamaño: Mediano
Color: Anaranjado, Blanco
Pelaje: Corto, Liso
Modificado: No estoy seguro
Información adicional

So sad to report that I found a deceased cat in my backyard. The poor thing looks like it lay down to take a nap and never woke up. It must have happened recently as I thought it was just a perfect asleep cat. It is orange with a white chest and white belly. Striped tail. Looks very similar to a cat I have seen in my yard named Sunny/Sonny. Can share photos if needed. No collar. Hoping to let the owners know before I take it to be cremated. So sorry for your loss of this sweet cat.


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