Photo for 109523 [Buddy Boy]

Lost Report lr109523

Buddy Boy

Información de ubicación

Fecha de extravío: Miércoles , Abril 3, 2024
Ubicación: NE 112th Ave & NE Wygant St , Portland, OR 97220


Especie: Perro
Raza: Bull terrier
Sexo: Macho
Tamaño: Grande
Color: Rubio
Pelaje: Corto, Liso
Color de los ojos: Café
Tipo de oreja: Recortadas
Tipo de cola: Completa
Modificado: No

Buddy Boy is a dog that came to us. We rescued him from an abusive owner. He was kept in a cage and hit in the head a lot. Sometimes he still shys away from quick movements, and is unsure of himself. He may duck his head when reaching out to pet him. He is harmless. Just a big, dopey, lovable sweetheart. He is not violent...towards people or other dogs. He just wants to play and be loved on. He only knows limited commands but is good with sit and (usually) come. He may seem scary because he is so big, but he wouldn't hurt anyone on purpose. He is gentle with hand feeding.


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