Photo for 122742 [Big Boi]

Lost Report lr122742

Big Boi

Información de ubicación

Fecha de extravío: Jueves, Septiembre 19, 2024
Ubicación: 126 SE 134th Pl , Portland, OR 97233


Especie: Gato
Raza: Gato doméstico de pelaje corto
Sexo: Macho
Tamaño: Mediano
Color: Negro, Blanco
Pelaje: Corto, Liso
Color de los ojos: Amarillo
Tipo de cola: Completa
Modificado: Sí

Please help me find Big Boi! He is a 13-year-old tuxedo cat with a black face, black tail, and white right front leg. He slipped out of the house on Thursday evening so unfortunately, his collar is not on. He is used to spending time in our yard during the day but is not used to being away from home for days. He knows his name and may approach you if he is desperate, but he dislikes touching. Any information you may have is greatly appreciated. Thank you!


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