![Photo for 123175 [Mule] Photo for 123175 [Mule]](/sites/default/files/styles/medium/public/animal_photos/nid_122501-125000/123175_default_photo.jpg?itok=MeUNJA_p)
![Photo for 123175 [Mule] Photo for 123175 [Mule]](/sites/default/files/styles/medium/public/animal_photos/nid_122501-125000/123175_default_photo.jpg?itok=MeUNJA_p)
Lost Report lr123175
Información de ubicación
Fecha de extravío: Sábado, Septiembre 28, 2024
SE 129th Ave & SE Division St
Portland, OR 97236
Especie: Gato
Raza: Gato doméstico de pelaje largo
Sexo: Macho
Tamaño: Grande
Color: Gris, Blanco
Pelaje: Largo, Grueso
Color de los ojos: Amarillo
Tipo de oreja: Disparejas
Tipo de cola: Completa
Modificado: Sí
Cat is TNR so right ear is clipped.. he's very fluffy and currently has 2 or 3 mats under his tail.. he's kind of sticky, big paws, tufted ears, part Maine Coon and the love of my life.. no collar, he won't wear one.. he may have crawled into someone's car and been dumped somewhere else.. if found, please return him..