Photo for 125713 [Ruby]

Lost Report lr125713


Información de ubicación

Fecha de extravío: Jueves, Marzo 28, 2024
Ubicación: 801 SW 10th Ave , Portland, OR 97205


Especie: Perro
Raza: Pastor ganadero australiano
Sexo: Hembra
Tamaño: Mediano
Color: Azul, Café
Pelaje: Corto, Liso
Color de los ojos: Café
Tipo de cola: Cortada a 3/4
Modificado: No

Please help me find my baby girl we have never been separated and it's going on 7 months I just really would like to know she wasn't killed If she has a happy home I would be okay with that but not knowing has been killing me. Thank you for your help.



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