Photo for 91642 [Lucy]

Lost Report lr91642


Información de ubicación

Fecha de extravío: Martes, Octubre 29, 2024
Ubicación: 11020 NE Marx St , Portland, OR 97220


Especie: Gato
Raza: Gato doméstico de pelaje corto
Sexo: Hembra
Tamaño: Pequeño
Color: Gris, Gris
Pelaje: Corto, Liso
Color de los ojos: Amarillo
Tipo de cola: Completa
Modificado: Sí

Microchip # 985141004647678. We miss our Lucy Loo (Ru Ru) and hope she is found safe. It is unlike her to miss a meal or treat time. At almost 4 year old she has never disappeared like this. She is friendly and likes to explore including cars. She will play fetch / chase small nerf type balls. She is super soft and friendly. She greets and even listens well.


(971) 563-9653 (Puede llamar o enviar un mensaje de texto.)

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