Tammy H. - April 2019 Volunteer of the Month

Congratulations to Tammy H., nominated and chosen as the April 2019 Multnomah County Animal Services (MCAS) Volunteer of the Month.

A volunteer at Multnomah County Animal Services since 2013, Tammy is a committed, consistent, and involved volunteer with a positive impact on shelter visitors, animals, and staff.

Learn more about the Volunteer of the Month Program

Bond with Animals

Tammy has always felt a strong bond with animals. From a young age, Tammy’s mother taught her how to greet dogs by standing straight like a tree, how to walk dogs, and to teach them not to pull on leash.

Today, Tammy and her family hone their handling skills with many dogs, including a flock of Yorkies, a Labrador/Boxer/Mastiff mix, an English Mastiff, a Poodle mix, and a Pitbull/Mastiff mix.

Goal Driven

In 2013, Tammy decided to volunteer with Multnomah County Animal Services. She set a triad of goals to help animals find new homes, get out of the house more, and be more physically active.

Even since moving to Molalla, Tammy continues to make the trek to volunteer on Saturdays, taking public transit for most of the trip, because “these are her peeps and she doesn’t want to let them down” as Volunteer Coordinator Melinda H. puts it.

Finding Homes for Animals

Tammy’s favorite thing about volunteering is helping animals find new homes. She helps potential adopters fill out adoption paperwork at the information desk, looks up information on animals they’re interested in adopting, and shows dogs as they meet potential candidates.

Tammy has a soft spot for some of the senior dogs and large breeds who spend a little more time waiting for a home. She says “the older dogs need homes just as much as the young dogs.”

Pitties in Pink

“Tammy has been in every Pitties in Pink parade we’ve ever had. She’ll even take multiple buses to get wherever they are” says Melinda H. Tammy really enjoys walking in the parades to advocate for pit bulls and shelter animals in need of homes.

Protect Your Pet: Good Neighbor Vet Clinic

One of Tammy’s volunteer roles is assisting clients and their pets attending the Protect Your Pet Good Neighbor Vet mobile clinic at the shelter on Saturdays from 8 to 11 am. The clinic offers free rabies vaccines for clients renewing their licenses, and other affordable, accessible, essential veterinary services such as basic exams, vaccines, nail trims, flea treatment, and microchips.

Staff member, Chris A., says “Tammy is really great about helping clients with their paperwork, helping everyone prepare to see the vet, and making sure animals don’t have any chance, potentially dangerous encounters with each other while clients are waiting. Tammy is on the ball. She’s earned a lot of trust and admiration from staff and other volunteers.”

Staff member, Tina H., says “Tammy is always super positive and shows up with a smile! Our Saturday clinic would not run smoothly if it were not for Tammy keeping the lobby from being over-crowded and stressful!”

Advice to Interested Volunteers

Tammy’s advice to interested volunteers is simply to do it, and enjoy it. “Come in, see what we do, and ask questions.”

Thank you, Tammy, for your dedicated, positive service for the people and pets of Multnomah County!

April 2019 Nominees

Thank you to our stellar volunteers nominated for the April 2019 Volunteer of the Month!

  • Lia G.
  • Jenni H.
  • Destiny K.
  • Lauren M.
  • Janice T.
Volunteer of the Month
Volunteer of the month, Tammy H, stands with Cosette the Boston Terrier Mix
Tammy H, stands with Cosette
the Volunteer of the Month emblem