Photo for 112312 [Baby Girl]

Baby Girl

Animal ID: 316772
Другие собаки в доме нежелательны


Порода: Американский питбультерьер
Пол: Женский
Возраст: 7 years 7 months
Вес: 50 lbs
Размер: Средний
Тип шерсти: Короткий, Мягкая
Oкрас: Светлый
Расцветка: Пятнистый
Цвет глаз: Светло-коричневый
Форма ушей: Загнутые
Тип хвоста: Длинный
Информация о местонахождении: Troutdale Shelter

Ориентировочная стоимость

Стоимость усыновления: $60.00
сборы за предоставление лицензии: $27.00 (Multnomah County residents only)

Oбо мне

Hi there, I'm Baby Girl! I'm bound to be your new best friend with notes from a past owner that say I'm an adventure seeker, a goofball, and love attention. I may be a little guarded at first, but once I know we're friends, I'm all yours with lots of wiggles! I've had ruff experiences with dogs in the past and have shown that I do not enjoy other dogs' company, so no other dogs in the home, please! I also have some minor medical ailments that the animal health staff is currently treating me for, but our counselors will set you up for success when you chat with them about taking me home. Despite my challenges, my playful spirit shines through, especially when I am chasing after my favorite tennis ball during a game of fetch! Come meet me! 🐾
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