Photo for 124427 [unknown ]

Found Report fr124427

Информация о местонахождении

Дата обнаружения: Воскресенье, Октябрь 13, 2024
Район обнаружения: 22855 NE Park Ln , Wood Village, OR 97060

Подробная информация

Вид: Кошка
Порода: Домашняя короткошерстная
Пол: Мужской
Размер: Маленький
Окрас: Белый, Черный
Шерсть: Короткий, Мягкая
Цвет глаз: Желтый
Тип хвоста: Средней длины
Стерилизация: Затрудняюсь ответить
Дополнительная информация

***FOUND cat***
8 am sunday 10/ 13/2024
behind wood village fred meyer.
definitely under a year old
looks to me like 6-10 months old
very sweet
white with black spots
pink nose with white nose area
behind wood village Fred Meyer feral cat feed station home improvement end fenceline to old MKC dog race track property.
I saw a small black cat there thursday night.
saturday night was trying to trap 🪤 catch what I thought was a small black young cat maybe less than six months old that was in the dark by tree and ran down fence line had no white on it so to my surprise I caught a friendly white with black spots young cat probably under year old and very sweet. Let me pet. hug it , hold it.
He is safe inside being fed until I can find the owner. no chip. I have a Halo scanner. please contact me if you think this is your cat. Will need some pictures as proof.
I will post cat on the county.
Michelle #971-275-5113
I am a rescue foster for F.O.S.T.E.R. inc
finsl option sanctuary team emergency rescue
I keep an eye on that area because there were 3-4 feral cats living there that I fed for Over 4-5 years that have all been eaten by coyotes last year or poisoned. gone now. but I have saved at least 4 cats since then from that feed station.

EVERYONE please keep your friendly cats INSIDE!


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(971) 275-5113 (Предпочитает сообщения, не звонить.)

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