Photo for 102038 [Gizmo]

Lost Report lr102038


Информация о местонахождении

Дата пропажи: Воскресенье, Ноябрь 26, 2023
Местонахождение: SE 205th Ave & SE Stark St , Gresham, OR 97030

Подробная информация

Вид: Собака
Порода: Другое
Пол: Мужской
Размер: Маленький
Окрас: Коричневый, Белый
Шерсть: Средний, Густая
Цвет глаз: Коричневый
Форма ушей: Загнутые
Тип хвоста: Длинный
Стерилизация: Нет

My friend was car Jacked, at gunpoint by the Taco Bell off of 205 and stark last night. They took his 1500 2002 chevy extended Flat bed truck, it is dark Gray and black. The guy was a Hispanic man around 30 or 40. He had a ton of tattoos on the back of his hands and rings as well. A very clean-cut beard and was last seen off of Powell and 166th. He did file a place report of course. The guy might be named or called something like dezee Because my friend heard one of his friends say his name and he thought it sounded like that. Not only that but his brand new puppy was in that truck. He's gonna need more shots soon he was brand new... If anyone can help I will be willing to pay to get the puppy back home. we love him very much his name is Gizmo. If you don't feel comfortable calling the police just tell me a location and I'll call them. M


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