![Photo for 122293 [Odette] Photo for 122293 [Odette]](/sites/default/files/styles/medium/public/animal_photos/nid_120001-122500/122293_default_photo.jpeg?itok=1Ma5te5p)
![Photo for 122293 [Odette] Photo for 122293 [Odette]](/sites/default/files/styles/medium/public/animal_photos/nid_120001-122500/122293_default_photo.jpeg?itok=1Ma5te5p)
Lost Report lr122293
Информация о местонахождении
Дата пропажи: Вторник, Сентябрь 17, 2024
13116 SE Powell Blvd
Portland, OR 97236
Подробная информация
Вид: Кошка
Порода: Американская короткошерстная
Пол: Женский
Размер: Средний
Окрас: Рыжий, Шоколадный
Шерсть: Средний, Мягкая
Цвет глаз: Зеленый
Форма ушей: Вывернутые
Тип хвоста: Длинный
Стерилизация: Затрудняюсь ответить
Her personality is very food motivated preferring wet food in the morning and evening. She is a very smart cat, is friendly, but does enjoy a bit of space unless she is hungry. When hungry she becomes very affectionate.
We know she is still close to the home. We have a security camera up and have seen her pop up to eat from a food bowl we have outside. Last sighting of her on camera was Friday Oct 4th at 4am.
We thought she was spayed but her microchip info says she is not?? She has a pretty big pooch on the secure cam footage. She may be pregnant?
Her pet microchip ID is 981020002454030
Kendra Coffey-Wolfgang
(503) 701-0946 (И телефонные звонки, и сообщения являются приемлемым способом связи.)