![Photo for 122666 [Cocoa (BabyGirlKitty) ] Photo for 122666 [Cocoa (BabyGirlKitty) ]](/sites/default/files/styles/medium/public/animal_photos/nid_122501-125000/122666_default_photo.jpg?itok=kwrBIFgJ)
![Photo for 122666 [Cocoa (BabyGirlKitty) ] Photo for 122666 [Cocoa (BabyGirlKitty) ]](/sites/default/files/styles/medium/public/animal_photos/nid_122501-125000/122666_default_photo.jpg?itok=kwrBIFgJ)
Lost Report lr122666
Cocoa (BabyGirlKitty)
Информация о местонахождении
Дата пропажи: Пятница, Сентябрь 20, 2024
3217 NE 83rd Ave
Portland, OR 97220
Подробная информация
Вид: Кошка
Пол: Женский
Размер: Маленький
Окрас: Коричневый, Песочно-коричневый
Шерсть: Короткий, Мягкая
Цвет глаз: Желтый
Форма ушей: Стоячие
Тип хвоста: Средней длины
Стерилизация: Да
Baby girl likes to hang out in our backyard, and come in and out through our doggy door as she pleases. My Mother in law recently moved in with us and she has a dog thats not use to being around cats and is always trying to get near her. We think maybe she was tring to get away from him and jumped over the wall in our backyard, but that wall seperates our yard from 82nd ave. We went walking all around and calling her, but no sign of her.
She doesn't have a collar but she does have a grey flea collar on, and she is chipped.
(503) 710-4040 (И телефонные звонки, и сообщения являются приемлемым способом связи.)