MCAS Project Management Update - December 2023

The purpose of this memorandum is to provide an update on the project management activities to address the concerns of the 2023 Review and the implementation of the MCAS Phase 3 Strategic Plan. The updates for this report covers activities for the month of December 2023. 


We have developed a dashboard that shows a real-time status of our recommendations and project status.

View the Dashboard

View the MCAS Review Page on

This month we continue our work to update and develop policies and work instructions necessary to support our operational model. Highlights of this work are:

  • Developed a plan to centrally locate all policies, WKIs and Forms
  • Developed the plan and priorities to systematically review all old documents and approve as required
  • Documents Approved and Published:
    • Be on the Lookout (BOLO) Work Instruction
    • Be on the Lookout (BOLO) Poste
    • Donation / Community Free Shelf Policy
    • Establishing Ownership through Pet Identification
  • Documents Under Revision or Pending Approval
    • Adoption Policy and Expectations
    • Client Information Request Policy
    • Impoundment of Animals

The project work that has been updated during the month:

In Progress Projects




  1. Safety and wellbeing of pets in our care

Animal Enrichment

The new enrichment calendar for dogs has rolled out in December. Cats and small animals are getting daily handling and enrichment, a formal calendar will roll out in January.

2. Policy and procedure-standardization, accountability

Behavior/Enrichment Documentation Policy

The animal Behavior Pathway, including documentation expectations has been trained to ACT staff. Work is continuing to refine and improve the pathway. 

4. Culture/change management/transparency

Informational Hub

Final, structural updates have been included in the hub. THis process has expanded to include sunsetting other employee facing processes and including them in the hub for a central location. January work will focus on moving current policy into a standard review and publishing procedure.

4. Culture/change management/transparency

Phone System and WaitWhile Project

The WaitWhile system workflows have been developed and will be tested by staff volunteers in January 2024 

3. Volunteer management/hiring/onboarding; right sizing staff with identifiable methodology

Onboarding/Training Plan

MCAS has decided to integrate the onboarding/training project with the work going on at the DCS level. Tis will delay the MCAS project but will allow MCAS to support the larger DCS initiatives.

6. Data integrity/quality analysis

Data Integrity and Reporting Workgroup

Significant improvements to the monthly reports are done and integration with is complete. The 2 recommendations stated in this project are long term goals that will require 3rd party vendor work and significant work with our ASAP Partners so we can report across the region. Scheduling the project to mid 2024.

1. Safety and wellbeing of pets in our care

Expand Inhouse Spay and Neuter Program

New, full time vet has been hired and will be onboarded in January. This will allow us to re-examine our schedules and expand our surgical capacity.

This document represents the status of MCAS projects at a static point in time as of the date of this memorandum.

Shelter Care