Remembering Rich Brueckner

Multnomah County Animal Services (MCAS) says farewell to the departed Rich Brueckner, an adopter and supporter who in recent years produced Once There Was a Giant, a documentary about his adopted dog, Jax. The film premiered locally at Cinema 21 on October 31, 2018 as a benefit for animals at MCAS.

Once There Was a Giant is about Jax, a pitbull with a big head and a big heart, adopted from Multnomah County Animal Services. The documentary tells Jax’s story during the last stages of his life, and explores themes of animal adoption, companionship, care, and loss through the candid stories, experiences, and even poetry of neighbors and friends.

Rich was a giant himself in the industry of high performance computing and big data, connecting companies and communities through his writing, and presence at trade-shows and conferences wearing his signature red fedora.

We send our sincere condolences to Rich’s family, friends, and those impacted by his life and work.

Read Rich’s Obituary

Jax playing with Rich's red fedora