Photo for 109062 [Tuti ]

Lost Report lr109062


Thông tin vị trí

Ngày vật nuôi thất lạc: Thứ Ba, Tháng Ba 26, 2024
Địa điểm: 533 NE 79th Ave , Portland, OR 97213

Chi Tiết

Giống: Mèo
Giống: Mèo Nuôi Lông Vừa
Giới tính: Đực
Màu: Xám, Trắng
Loại Đuôi: Thuần Giống
Đã biến đổi: Không

He is a black-and-white (or gray) tabby
He is kind of fluffy with soft medium to long hair
He has some tufts of hair coming out of his ears
Some say, he looks a little bit like a small Maine coon
He got spooked by a weird person banging on our door late at night-
and we are pretty sure he fled the house out the back door ..
We have not seen him since that night, which was Monday night-
We didn’t really notice he was missing until Tuesday morning March 27th
when we couldn’t find him anywhere

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