MCAS Work Plan Project Management Update - October 2023

The purpose of this memorandum is to provide an update on the project management activities to address the concerns of the 2023 Review and the implementation of the MCAS Phase 3 Strategic Plan. Since the report to the Board of Commissioners on September 26, 2023, MCAS has been working to continue its work on the critical projects outlined in the strategic plan as we are on-boarding a significant number of new staff.


We have developed a dashboard that shows a real-time status of our recommendations and project status. You can view that dashboard using the following link: 

View Dashboard

View the MCAS Review Site (

This month we have focused on updating and developing policies and work instructions necessary to support our operational model.

Highlights of this work are:

  • Developed a policy, work instruction and form tracking system to support the operational review that is in progress and provide standard approval and routine review tracking of our operational documents.
  • Drafted documents presented or updated for review and approval:
  • Data Integrity Check and Monthly Report Procedure
  • Donation / Community Free Shelf Policy
  • Creating, Approving, and Posting a Policy, Work Instruction, or Form
  • Reconciling the Euthanasia Activity Log to ShelterBuddy Reports Procedure
  • Policy for Placement Eligibility and Pathway
  • Adoption Policy and Expectations
  • Draft dashboard for review recommendation and project work reporting has been developed.

The project work that has been updated:

Completed Projects




  1. Safety and wellbeing of pets in our care

Small Animal and Contingency Housing Plan

Over the past several months we have re-organized housing for small animals with new equipment and spaces. We also have several transfer and foster partners we work with to house small animals if we are over capacity.

  1. Safety and wellbeing of pets in our care

Safety Equipment Evaluation / Ordering

New equipment is in place 

In Progress Projects




5. Facilities and plant improvements/plans

New Facility Programming/Conceptual Planning

Worked with multiple stakeholders to submit the Capital Project Information Form (CPIF) has been submitted for review.

  1. Safety and wellbeing of pets in our care

Animal Enrichment

New staff positions are in place and being trained up on the new animal enrichment program. The animal enrichment calendar has been developed and several stages are in place and being evaluated for effectiveness. A full project plan is in progress of being developed. 

4. Culture/change management/transparency

Informational Hub

Policy and procedure for updating is in progress. 

4. Culture/change management/transparency

Phone System and WaitWhile Project

New Call tree messages are being recorded and tested

3. Volunteer management/hiring/onboarding; right sizing staff with identifiable methodology

Onboarding/Training Plan

Documents from several workgroups have been collected and reviewed. Formal project kick off to standardize process scheduled for 11/7/23.

6. Data integrity/quality analysis

Data Integrity check procedure

Draft procedure has been developed and is ready for approval.

2. Policy and procedure-standardization, accountability

Euthanasia Reconciliation Procedure

Draft procedure has been developed and is ready for approval.

5. Facilities and plant improvements/plans

Facility Improvements

2 of the 3 recommendations from DPFL have been addressed. Work orders have been placed for the 3rd project which may be extensive

2. Policy and procedure-standardization, accountability

Behavior/Enrichment Documentation Policy

Formal kick off scheduled for 11/7/23

6. Data integrity/quality analysis

Data Integrity and Reporting Workgroup

Workgroup now has recurring, scheduled meetings. Both recommendations tied to this project will be significant, long term changes. We have however, implemented multiple changes to the monthly reporting to reflect the outcomes mentioned in the Strategic Plan and comparisons to national statistics via   

This document represents the status of MCAS projects at a static point in time as of the date of this memorandum (November 1, 2023). 
