- 参加在收容所举行的志愿者信息会议。由于新型冠状病毒肺炎(coronavirus disease 2019, COVID-19)疫情,志愿者信息会议目前暂停。
- 您可以在了解情况后完成申请程序。
- 所有新来的志愿者将缴纳$15的材料费。
- 所有的猫和狗服务志愿者都需要接受额外培训。
- 必须年满16岁(16-17岁需经家长同意方可参加)
- 12-15岁的青少年可以在父母或监护人全程在场的情况下参加志愿者活动
- 可以连续一年每月完成8小时的志愿工作
- 能够按时参加预定的志愿者活动
- 当直接参与动物护理工作时,能够长时间下蹲、弯腰、转身、举物和站立
- 与人友好共事——所有志愿者岗位都要直接与公众、工作人员和其他志愿者打交道
- 遵守Multnomah县法规
- 能够通过背景调查
Requirements for volunteers
- At this time, volunteers must be over the age of 18.
- Volunteers are asked to commit to serving one shift per week (2.5-4 hrs depending on assignment).
- Ability to squat, bend, twist, lift and stand for the duration of the volunteer shift applies to most volunteer roles involving animals or laundry.
- Must work well with people and have a desire to learn best practices for interacting with shelter animals.
- Volunteers have the right to express their views and opinions, but cannot represent their views as official positions of MCAS, and must respect and maintain client confidentiality.