您是在寻找火灾疏散区内走失的动物吗?Oregon州农业部(Oregon Department of Agriculture)已经建立了一个全州宠物发现数据库。
当走失的宠物在没有身份证明的情况下进入收容所时,它们只会被暂留72小时(3天),然后就会开放领养。如果您的宠物失踪超过72小时,请仔细查看我们网站上的待领养宠物。 有身份证明的动物将被暂留144小时(5天)后才会开放领养。如果您看到您的宠物在待领养状态,请立即致电(503) 988-7387。

如果您的宠物在Multnomah县办理的证件,确保您的电话号码是最新的。可以在“更改宠物证信息”页面进行修改。如果您的宠物有微型芯片,一定和微型芯片公司确认您的联系信息是最新的。您也可以在发现动物微芯片注册中心(Found Animals Microchip Registry)免费登记任何微型芯片您可以添加照片、联系信息和健康信息。无论您宠物的芯片之前是否登记在册,您都可以使用这项服务。
- Clackamas县动物管理局(Clackamas County Animal Control) (仅限犬类)(503) 655-8628
- Washington县动物管理局 (Washington County Animal Services) (503) 846-7041
- Oregon保护动物协会 (Oregon Humane Society) (仅限在Multnomah县以外发现的猫)(503) 285-7722
- Dove Lewis急诊室(Dove Lewis Emergency Clinic) (503) 228-7281
- SW Washington保护动物协会(SW Washington Humane Society) (Vancouver) (360) 693-4746
- Columbia县动物管理局(Columbia County Animal Control) (503) 397-3935
- Marion县犬类管理局(Marion County Dog Control) (503) 588-5366
7.登记您的宠物信息并在Finding Rover上搜索
Finding Rover是一项新的服务,可利用面部识别技术来匹配丢失宠物和在我们社区发现的动物的照片。 注册使用这项服务很容易,而且是免费的。
张贴宠物走失标志。最容易成功找到走失宠物的方法之一就是在您周边邻里贴传单。如果您设置了酬金,不要标出具体金额。请求在您所在地区的小学张贴传单。孩子们常常会发现流浪的宠物。熟悉 走失猫咪的行为。
- Oregonian Newspaper (503) 221-8000
- The Columbian Newspaper (360) 694-3391
- The Gresham Outlook (503) 620-7355
许多宠物在走失几个月后都会被找回或被带去收容所。请记住: 没有主人身份证明的宠物在开放领养之前要暂留72小时(3天)。一定要定期去收容所看看。
寻回您的宠物后, 给它上证 并植入微型芯片,这样如果它再次走失,找回来就会更快,也更容易。
7. Register Your Pet and Search on Petco Love Lost
Petco Love Lost is a new service using facial recognition technology to help match photos of lost pets with found animals in our community. Reporting lost animals, reporting found animals, and using the service is easy and FREE.

Petco Love Lost
8. Register Your Pet and Look on PawBoost
Post your lost pet on PawBoost for free. PawBoost is like an AMBER Alert for lost & found pets. Over 4 million pet lovers have signed up for their local lost & found pet alerts. Thousands of pets are added to PawBoost's lost & found pets database every day.

9. Advertise and look everywhere
Put up lost pet signs. One of the most successful ways to find a lost pet is with fliers placed around your neighborhood. If you offer a reward, do not state the amount. Ask elementary schools in your area to post fliers. Children often find stray pets. Be familiar with lost cat behavior.
Search or place ads online:
- Craigslist (check the Lost & Found and Pets sections)
- Dove Lewis Lost & Found
- OregonLive.com
- Animal Aid Lost & Found
Search or place print ads:
- Oregonian Newspaper (503) 221-8000
- The Columbian Newspaper (360) 694-3391
- The Gresham Outlook (503) 620-7355
10. Don't give up!
Many pets return home or are brought to the shelter months after they were lost. Remember: pets that come in without owner identification are held for 72 hours (3 days) before they become eligible for adoption. Be sure to check the shelter regularly.
When your pet returns, license and microchip your pet to enable a quicker and easier return should they become lost again.