Limited Intake for Cats & Kittens
- 每年有3,000到4,000只猫进入Multnomah县动物服务中心。
- 这些猫大多是在一年中较为温暖的月份来到这里的,这些月份也被称为小猫季。
- 为了能够尽可能拯救更多的猫,我们请求公众的帮助。

How to Help Outdoor Cats
根据Multnomah县条例,猫可以“自由活动”。然而,如果一只猫在您的领地上, 您可以这样驱赶它。
- Oregon野猫联盟(FCCO)是一个TNR计划,向由看护者喂养的野猫和流浪猫提供以捐赠为基础的绝育服务。如果您正在喂养野猫或流浪猫,请致电FCCO(503) 797-2606,或者您也可以在他们的网站上填写一份看护者申请
- 美国防止虐待动物协会(ASPCA)野猫常见问题解答
- 美国动物保护协会(The Humane Society of the United States,HSUS)对TNR的立场
猫咪安全在家™是一个鼓励猫主人把猫安全地养在家里的活动。室内猫可以在室外的围栏里享受户外生活,您也可以训练它们戴着牵引绳出门。不让猫咪自由游荡,可以防止它遭遇危险、疾病、野生动物的捕食或迷路。这也有助于减少猫对当地野生动物的影响。在Portland Audubon野生动物护理中心(Portland Audubon Wildlife Care Center)接受治疗的动物中,超过40%都与猫的伤害有关。春天时让猫呆在家里尤其重要,因为那时幼鸟正在学习飞行,非常容易受到伤害。想了解更多关于猫和野生动物的信息,请访问Portland Audubon协会(Audubon Society of Portland)。美国人道协会(HSUS)有关于如何将您的户外猫永久留在室内的指导方针。
Portland动物收容所联盟(Animal Shelter Alliance of Portland, ASAP)确定,只是为了控制猫的数量,就需要连续五年每年额外给10,000只猫进行绝育。请不要犹豫!查看我们的绝育资源页面!
如果您无法继续照顾您的猫, 学习如何为您的猫找一个新家。
About Our Cat Intake Policy
Following recommendations from the National Animal Care & Control Association (NACA), Multnomah County Animal Services (MCAS) only accepts outdoor adult cats* that are:
- Sick
- Injured
- Abandoned, such as being left in a crate or in a vacated building.
- In immediate danger due to cruelty, neglect, and similar circumstances.
- Kittens between the ages of six (6) and twelve (12) weeks old
Learn what to do if you find kittens, and how to know how old they are.
Why doesn’t MCAS take healthy outdoor cats?
New findings from NACA show that impounding healthy adult cats is not the best way to help the cats, their owners, or the neighborhoods where they live.
Impoundment of healthy adult cats:
Reduces the likelihood of reuniting families with pets
Lost cats are 10-50 times more likely to be reunited with their owners if they stay where they were found instead of being brought to an animal shelter. They are more likely to return on their own or be found by their families.
Affects low-income and marginalized community members the most
Low-income pet owners face barriers to visit animal shelters due to transportation, limited time during business hours, or other costs, and are less likely to call or visit animal shelters to reclaim lost pets.
Reduces the capacity of Animal Services to respond to critical community needs
Shelters with a high cat population can quickly become overwhelmed and overcrowded, and have less capacity to provide critical care and outcomes for abused, neglected, injured, or sick animals, and support for the pets of families in crisis.
Can increase cat populations and their negative impact
Because removing cats may lead to different cats moving in (especially if there is a food source), it is not an effective way to manage the outdoor cat population.
Doesn’t solve nuisance behaviors
Removing cats because of nuisance behaviors is less likely to solve core problems like cats feeding from open garbage containers that may be attracting cats, rodents, and other animals.
TNR programs that leave cats where they are and manage their environment are better able to solve nuisance issues with cats