Photo for 116886 [Jake]


Animal ID: 157952


品种: 家养短毛猫
性别: 公
年龄: 6 years 1 month
重量: 3.3 lbs
皮毛种类: 短毛, 光滑毛发
颜色: 棕色
眼睛颜色: 黄色
耳朵类型: 竖耳
尾巴类型: 尾巴完整
地点: 寄养中


收养费用: $30.00
牌照费: $15.00 (Multnomah County residents only)


Jake a sweet sensitive handsome brown tabby has had a tough time recently since his owner passed away. As a small kitten he captured the heart of a Multnomah County Cattery Volunteer who adopted him from the shelter. Sadly now that his owner is gone he now looking for a new forever home. Jake is by far the shyer of the two cats that lived together and will take some time to trust but once he does he's all in. Jake lived with not only other cats but also with a small dog. His brother was adopted, but if you can find it in your heart to adopt Jake, he will show his appreciation with purrs, gentle head-buts, their best behavior and be your friend for life. Because of his shy nature young children who want a super exuberant feline might not be the best family for him. If you want to meet this sweet shy cat with a heart of gold once he trusts you please fill out the website foster application to meet Jake and let him capture your heart.