Photo for 127127 [Reo]

Lost Report lr127127



走失日期:星期三, 十一月 6, 2024
地点: NE 55th Ave & NE Going St , Portland, OR 97218


品种: 狗
品种: 澳大利亚牧羊犬
性别: 公
大小: 中等
颜色: 黑色, 白色
眼睛颜色: 淡褐色
耳朵类型: 折耳
是否阉割: 否

My number is 503 770 8388. The truth is I was arrested and my baby boy was taken in to the pound. The lady that took him told me " call one of your friends and have him come pick him up on your behalf". The arresting officers were nice enough to drive me over to my friends so I could tell him that Reo needs to be picked up. So he goes the next day and he gets told "well Reo's owner needed to leave us with your name in order to verify that you are the person he wants to have pick him up. The animal control officer left that IMPORTANT piece of information out before I was taken away. She literally said "you just need to call one of your friends and have them come pick Reo up". She should of also said AND you need to give us your friends name so we know who it is otherwise we can't release him! Otherwise I would of given her the name right then and there! But because she didn't tell me that all I did was have my friend go to the pound like she said to do and was unable to get my dog back on my friends befalf. 6 days later he gets adopted. Literally 2 days before I got released from jail... I'm completely heartbroken right now... If you have Reo . Please... I beg you.... I need him back.... He's my entire world . I miss him and I'm lost without him....


Sebastian Jimenez
(503) 305-0437 (电话或短信都可以)
