Happy Adoption Story: Kelso
We adopted Kelso in January, 2018, and because of an autoimmune condition he has we were warned that he may not live long, but I already knew he was the dog for us. Well, he has been a part of our family for over 3 1/2 years now, having just turned 12 years old, and he has enjoyed robust health, happily fetching his ball, going on walks, and being very serious about providing security services when we're out camping. Sadly, we recently learned that Kelso has a cancerous mass that has metastasized to his lungs. For now, he's still his same self, enjoying life, and we will continue to enjoy it with him until he is ready to cross the rainbow bridge. There are still lots of steaks, walks, ice cream, steaks, belly rubs, cuddles, and did we mention steaks (his favorite!), in his future. When I get the MCAS newsletter, I sometimes go out to the website to see who is out there for adoption (because having had this much fun and love with one dog, we've thought of getting it doubled with two!). Recently I went onto the page and there is Kelso's photo next to a public service announcement about leashing dogs. It gave me such a lift to see him there. Thank you, MCAS, for bringing us so much joy by helping us find Kelso!!