National Volunteer Week
Join us in celebrating National Volunteer Week 2021, April 18-24th. Each year agencies and organizations across the country celebrate the impactful contributions of volunteers.
National Volunteer Week is an opportunity to recognize the impact of volunteer service and the power of volunteers to tackle society’s greatest challenges, to build stronger communities and be a force that transforms the world. Each year, we shine a light on the people and causes that inspire us to serve, recognizing and thanking volunteers who lend their time, talent and voice to make a difference in their communities. National Volunteer Week was established in 1974 and has grown exponentially each year, with thousands of volunteer projects and special events scheduled throughout the week. Today, as people strive to lead lives that reflect their values, the expression of civic life has evolved. Whether online, at the office, or the local food bank; whether with a vote, a voice, or a wallet – doing good comes in many forms, and we recognize and celebrate them all.
Multnomah County Board of Commissioners Proclamation
The Multnomah County Board of Commissioners approved a proclamation naming April 18-24 as Volunteer Week. See the video below to hear about the proclamation, learn about how volunteers have been supporting County operations throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, and hear about the experience of a few of the Emergency Operations Center Program volunteers.
Thank you to our volunteers for dedicating your time and talents to MCAS. Whether fostering, transporting animals, or waiting for in-shelter volunteer activities to resume after COVID-19, your service to the pets and people of Multnomah County matters.