
Flickr user Bree Bailey, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
(PDF, 244KB) 寄给犬只的主人。此封信函和指南旨在帮助您的邻居了解相关问题,并提供一些关于解决犬吠问题的建议。
(PDF, 233KB)
如果对动物造成的滋扰与家畜(鸡、公鸡等)有关,请联系Multnomah县传病媒介控制部 (Multnomah County Vector Control Vector Control)。
发起正式投诉。(PDF, 166KB)
- 至少由另外两名邻居签名(总共三人)
- 或者,如果只有一个人签名,则必须附有当日涉嫌违规行为的录音或录像。此录音或录像内容必须满足上述违规行为的规定。
- 请将其带往1700 W Historic Columbia River Highway in Troutdale交给我们。
- 或者,您可以将其邮寄至:Multnomah County Animal Services,收件人:法律援助官,1700 W Historic Columbia River Hwy, Troutdale, OR 97060
The form must include the date and times of the violation and meet the guidelines, defined as a dog barking repeatedly for 10 minutes or intermittent episodes lasting a minimum 30 minutes. (The requirements are the same for other non-canine animal noises.)
Please Mail and Include
- Accompanying video files for the date and time of the alleged violation. This video must meet the above listed requirements for a violation.
An inability to substantiate a violation with documented date and times will result in no action by Multnomah County Animal Services.
After you have completed the animal nuisance complaint form
- Bring it to us at 1700 W Historic Columbia River Highway in Troutdale.
- Or you may mail it to Multnomah County Animal Services, Attention: Legal Aide Officer, 1700 W Historic Columbia River Hwy, Troutdale, OR 97060.
5. What happens next?
See the Notice of Infraction Process page.
Complaint Form Instructions
Download and Print the complaint form
Complainant(s) must fill out the form completely including signing the form. If there are additional complainants (optional), they may add their contact information also.
Incident Date and Time:
List a specific date and time that the barking or nuisance occurred. The incident must meet the guidelines set forth in chapter 13.305(B)(5) of the ordinance, defined as continuous noise for at least 10 minutes or repeated episodes of intermittent noise lasting a minimum of 30 minutes. (The requirements are the same for other non-canine animal noises.)
Complaint forms MUST be accompanied by video evidence of the alleged violation meeting the 10 or 30 minute guideline. Complaints without video evidence will NOT be considered.
Owner of Animal:
In order to process a complaint, we must have owner contact information for the animal(s).
Description of Animal:
Please be as complete as possible. Attach additional sheets if needed.
Notice to Complainant(s):
Complainant(s) listed on the complaint form must be willing to appear at a hearing, or this incident could be dismissed.
Mail the completed form and video to:
Multnomah County Animal Services
1700 W Historic Columbia River Hwy,
Troutdale, OR 97060
E-mail barking.trespass@multco.us