About Public Record Requests
Under Oregon’s Public Records law (ORS 192), individuals, organizations, agencies, and businesses may request that Multnomah County provide copies or access to written documents and materials. Please use the Public Records Request Form to request records. After you receive your bill, you may pay on the Public Record Request Fee page.
Please be advised there may be a fee to cover staff time researching and retrieving the documents. Fee estimates are outlined below. You will be notified of any estimated fee and cost in advance. Payment is required before the County will produce the records. The fee may be reduced or waived if it is determined it is in the interest of the public.
The records request must:
- Be in writing.
- Include contact information.
- Clearly state what records are sought.

Laura Hinrichs
Submit Your Records Request
Please use the Public Records Request Form to request records. After you receive your bill, you may pay on the Public Record Request Fee page.
Submit your public records request onlineOther Ways to Submit Your Request
Online Request: Please use the Public Records Request Form to request records. After you receive your bill, you may pay on the Public Record Request Fee page.
E-mail: ac.publicrecordsrequests@multco.us
Contact: (503) 988-6238
To mail your request:
Public Record Request
Multnomah County Animal Services
1620 SE 190th Avenue, Portland, OR 97233
(Address for public records request postal mail only. Get directions for the shelter.)
Public records that may be requested include:
- pet license
- quarantine report
- citation / notice of infraction (NOI)
- incident report
- appeal hearing audio recording
- digital photograph
- case file (may contain any of, but is not limited to, the above documents)
Records may be identified by one or more of the following:
- animal number
- complainant name
- citation / NOI number
- owner name
- quarantine report number
- date of incident
Fees vary:
- single document: $1.00 per page for the first 5 pages and $0.25 for each additional page (except as noted below)
- printed digital photograph: $2.00
- digital photo on CD: $5.00
- appeal hearing audio recording: $17.50
- extensive or specialty requests will be prorated at the actual cost to produce the document. Rates are $68.13 per hour, but may vary depending on the personnel required to fulfill each request.
You may receive a bill for your record request. Alternately, we may require payment in advance which can be submitted in person at the shelter.
Multiple Record Requests
Any request made for multiple records which apply to different owners or animals shall be considered a separate request and billed accordingly.