Reports and Agency Statistics

Asilomar (Calendar Year) Reports and Comparative Data Reports

What’s an Asilomar Report?

In 2004, animal welfare leaders from across the country met in Asilomar, Pacific Grove, California, and developed the Asilomar Accords- industry standards for animal care, and definitions for the health and behavioral status of shelter animals- including a standardized report of where dogs and cats are coming from when they arrive at an animal shelter, and where they go when they leave. 

Regional animal shelters in the Animal Shelter Alliance of Portland (ASAP) combine and compare these reports to see what’s working, what progress is made collectively, and where we can work together and improve to better serve animals and their people in our community.

The Asilomar method assigns each animal, upon admission to the shelter, a condition status of either “healthy”, “treatable”, or “unhealthy/untreatable”, known as a Pet Evaluation Matrix (PEM).  Multnomah County Animal Services (MCAS) assigns these categories to animals in its care according to uniform community standards set by ASAP.

While our monthly reports track all animals we care for at the shelter- including wildlife- these Asilomar reports only contain information about dogs and cats.

Annual Asilomar Reports

Interpreting Asilomar Reports

  • Intake: The live animals admitted to a shelter
  • All Outcomes: The final disposition of animals admitted to a shelter (adoption, return to owner, transfer, euthanasia, shelter death, etc)
  • Euthanasia Outcome: Animals admitted to a shelter who are euthanized
  • Live Outcomes: Animals who leave a shelter alive through adoption, return to owner, transfer to another organization for adoption, or any other lifesaving program
  • Live-Release Rate: What percentage of animals admitted to the shelter had live outcomes, including return to owner, adoption, transfer, or return to field. It does not include animals who were euthanized, lost in care, or who had unassisted deaths in care.
  • Live-Release Rate Formula: (All Live Outcomes) Divided by (All Outcomes)
  • Save-Rate Formula: (Intake minus euthanasia outcomes) divided by Intake
  • Community Live-Release Rate: Regional shelters manage overlapping populations of animals.  Maintaining a shared community live-release rate ensures that reported data is comprehensive and balanced to reflect the true state of community animal populations.  For example, a shelter with a high live-release rate neighboring a shelter with a low live-release rate can indicate an imbalance of intake policies or inequitable animal population management practices.  Multnomah County Animal Services' Asilomar reports are reflective of the community statistics maintained by the Animal Shelter Alliance of Portland (ASAP), indicative of a successful coalition and high community live-release rate for Portland regional shelters.


Multnomah County Animal Services Fiscal Year Reports

Other Reports

Monthly Reports (Since November 2018)

Shelter Animals Count - Data Summary

Shelter Animals Count - Data Detail

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