Photo for 122898 [Fitz]

Lost Report lr122898


Location Information

Date lost: Friday, September 20, 2024
Location lost: 3125 SE Sherrett St , Portland, OR 97222


Species: Cat
Breed: Domestic Medium Hair
Sex: Male
Size: Small
Color: Brown, Beige
Coat: Medium, Smooth
Eye color: Green
Altered: Yes

Lost Marbled Tabby Cat - Ardenwald!!!

Fitz is a 3-year old male marbled tabby cat. He had a red collar with no tag, but is chipped.

He is a very friendly indoor-outdoor cat that loves to roam the Ardenwald (Portland / Milwaukie) neighborhood and nearby Springwater trail. Fitz usually comes home every day, but occasionally he won’t be home for a day or two.

However, he was last seen at home (SE 32nd & Sherrett - near Johnson Creek/Tacoma) the morning of Friday, 9/20.

Any information is helpful. Please text or call 971-212-5774 if you’ve seen or found Fitz.


(971) 212-5774 (Call or text is OK)

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