Photo for 126323 [Mazzy]

Lost Report lr126323


Location Information

Date lost: Friday, November 1, 2024
Location lost: SE Powell & 82nd , Portland, OR


Species: Cat
Breed: Domestic Short Hair
Sex: Female
Size: Small
Color: Black, White
Eye color: Brown
Tail type: Medium
Altered: No

My sweet incredible cat ran out on Friday. She is small and all black and has two white spots on chest and tummy. She is my world and I am desperate to have her back. She may have been found near the Winco on 82nd and Powell nearby the 81st and Powell apartments.

**She has a growth on her cheek we were seeing the vet about this may help to ID her***

Please call or text anytime day or night.

My phone: (203) 535-5024
Additional phone number of my partner: (971) 335-2068



(203) 535-5024 (Call or text is OK)

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