Photo for 128408 [Harper ]

Lost Report lr128408


Location Information

Date lost: Sunday, November 17, 2024
Location lost: 10 NE 148th Ave , Portland, OR 97230


Species: Dog
Breed: Pomeranian
Sex: Female
Size: Small
Color: Beige, Cream
Coat: Medium, Smooth
Eye color: Black
Ear type: Pricked
Tail type: Curled
Altered: No

Portland, Gresham, Troutdale, Vancouver and surrounding areas... PLEASE help me bring my girl home!! She's been with me for 13 years and I'm heartbroken without her. She was stolen out of my friends red jeep by a woman named Michelle Roberts and sold to someone on 181st. That's as far as I've gotten... Harper suffers from severe separation anxiety from me. She has to be so depressed 😔 my poor girl. Please help me get my girl back. PLEASE!!!!



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