Photo for 129144 [Teeny Tiny]

Lost Report lr129144

Teeny Tiny

Location Information

Date lost: Tuesday, April 2, 2024
Location lost: Troutdale , OR 97060, USA


Species: Cat
Breed: American Shorthair
Sex: Female
Size: Small
Color: Tan, Black
Coat: Short, Smooth
Eye color: Yellow
Tail type: Bent
Altered: No

Very small. Ticked tabby. 10 yrs. Old but looks like a kitten. The tip of her tail is missing the bone so it dangles when upright. However when the tail is down it's not apparent. Been 8 months suppose she could have even lost the tip of her tail. Lost at grocery store and was told a customer took her. Not sure how factual. She is not fixed and likes to play fetch with crumpled paper.


(971) 374-9991 (Call or text is OK)

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