Photo for 132316 [Douglas]

Lost Report lr132316


Location Information

Date lost: Thursday, February 6, 2025
Location lost: McKenna Park , N Princeton St & N Wall Ave, Portland


Species: Cat
Breed: American Shorthair
Sex: Male
Size: Large
Color: Orange, White
Coat: Short, Smooth
Eye color: Yellow
Ear type: Pricked
Tail type: Full
Altered: Yes

Douglas will sometimes follow us on walks around the neighborhood with the dog. He will sometimes stop, and then meet us back at the house. He never came back to the house. He is very friendly, and will come to his name or at least meow when you call his name - Douglas. PLEASE let me know if you have seen him, missing him so much and feeling worried.


(360) 601-7854 (Call or text is OK)

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