Photo for 132727 [Mako & Blue]

Lost Report lr132727

Mako & Blue

Location Information

Date lost: Monday, January 6, 2025
Location lost: W Greystone Rd , Old Bridge, NJ 08857


Species: Dog
Breed: Siberian Husky
Sex: Male
Size: Large
Color: Black, White
Coat: Medium, Smooth
Eye color: Blue
Tail type: Full
Altered: No

Mako is black and white and has a white spot on his back and his tail is very fluffy and his eyes are light blue. Blue is grey and white has different colored eyes one is brown and the other is light blue has a very fluffy tail and has an extra toe on each back paw and a black mole on his tongue.


Jasmine Pelaez
(848) 239-9634 (Call or text is OK)

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