Happy Adoption Story: Thurston (Charlie)
Charlie (aka Thurston) is a wonderful new family member. He has learned to walk on a leash, sit and stay. We are still working on shake and pointing the direction of where to go to find what he wants. He's smart, great with the cats, though one of them doesn't like any dog. He loves chasing his ball at the park, especially the one that lights up, so he can even chase it after dark. His AM 2 mile walk and BREAKFAST are his most exciting things. Then at dinner, that's his favorite thing! Then when it's time to go to the park and chase balls, THAT'S his favorite thing. We are so fortunate to have found each other. We weren't so sure when we picked him up and he literally pulled me out of the building. That leash thing, it was a real challenge. But you'd never know it now. Just took a little time, love and LOTS of treats. Thank you to Multnomah County staff for making this all possible.